Package and netting machines for Christmas trees

Living innovation


Tellus vivamus non rutrum urna cras laoreet magnis.

Additional equipment

Tellus vivamus non rutrum urna cras laoreet magnis.


Tellus vivamus non rutrum urna cras laoreet magnis.

Environmentally friendly

Gentle handling of nature.

Tak for en succesfuld juletræsmesse 2024!

TreeTech A/S og Grænagergård Savværk er taknemmelige for den store opbakning til juletræsmessen 2024.

Vi er overvældede over den positive repons fra besøgende, kunder og samarbejdspartnere.

Tak til alle, der deltog!

Unique Christmas tree packages and net machine

The TREE TECH packing and netting machine for netting and palletizing Christmas trees is a win for the Christmas tree manufacturer. Handling harvested Christmas trees has over time been a difficult and costly operation for both production and trade. The development of various packaging machines, which began approx. 25 years ago, has meant a significant rationalization of transport from producer to consumer.

And at Tree Tech, development has not stopped here. We
arbejder løbende med at forbedre processen med at få fældet, pakket og transporteret juletræer.

Fast and efficient packing
Gentle and rational compression
Patented solution from Tree Tech – Part of Bredsgaard.

Developed, produced and assembled in Denmark.

Patenterede løsninger fra TREE TECH A/S

Unikke juletræsmaskiner, udviklet i samarbejde med brugerne. Udviklet, produceret og samlet i Danmark.

Europæisk succes

Vi har solgt flere end 500 maskinenheder fordelt over hele Europa.

Strong and solid solution

Vores maskiner er stærke og solide løsninger. Høj og præcis tempo.

Quality work

Quality work done on time - the customer is the first priority at Tree Tech.

Large spare parts program

We have a large range of spare parts in stock - for both new and old machines

Trained service fitters

Our service fitters are trained in our own workshop with extensive industry experience.

Safe and fast service

We have service throughout Europe - and it's around the clock.

The solution of the future

Optimerer din indsats og letter din arbejdsgang


Products and spare parts

Tree Tech 1

Tristique mus praesent mi sit netus etiam nec ex sem

Vestibulum scelerisque ut suspendisse nostra ante semper lorem placerat bibendum tincidunt malesuada
Tree Tech 2

Tristique mus praesent mi sit netus etiam nec ex sem

Vestibulum scelerisque ut suspendisse nostra ante semper lorem placerat bibendum tincidunt malesuada
Tree Tech 3

Tristique mus praesent mi sit netus etiam nec ex sem

Vestibulum scelerisque ut suspendisse nostra ante semper lorem placerat bibendum tincidunt malesuada
Tree Tech 4

Tristique mus praesent mi sit netus etiam nec ex sem

Vestibulum scelerisque ut suspendisse nostra ante semper lorem placerat bibendum tincidunt malesuada
Tree Tech 5

Tristique mus praesent mi sit netus etiam nec ex sem

Vestibulum scelerisque ut suspendisse nostra ante semper lorem placerat bibendum tincidunt malesuada
Tree Tech 6

Tristique mus praesent mi sit netus etiam nec ex sem

Vestibulum scelerisque ut suspendisse nostra ante semper lorem placerat bibendum tincidunt malesuada
Tree tech - part of bredsgaard a/S


The owner of Bredsgaard A/S and developer of the TREE TECH package and the net machine is Bent Hansen, who as a self-employed person for more than 15 years has worked with the production of solutions and service within machines for, among other things, forestry, contractors and the agricultural industry. Experience from his industry knowledge of forests and Christmas trees is of course included and led to the development of a machine which, via a rational and gentle compression of the trees on pallets, rationalises and cheapens the transport of the trees from the culture to the point of sale.

The solution of the future - developed in collaboration with users

Our machines are developed in collaboration with users. The machines are produced and assembled in Denmark and meet the EU's machinery directive and the safety requirements of the Norwegian Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Sold machines in Europe
0 +
External service in Denmark and Germany
1 /7
Years of innovative experience
0 +

Users of the TREE TECH machine

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

The solution of the future - developed, produced and assembled in Denmark

The Tree Tech machines have been developed based on a need from the users. Through our sales and service program, we have close contact with our customers, and we listen carefully to the challenges and suggestions that our customers tell us about. Therefore, a large part of our machines have been developed by Christmas tree manufacturers - for Christmas manufacturers. As a user, you will experience details that give you a good feeling and feel right, which is the result of user-oriented development.

At Tree Tech, we focus on the machines being:

  • User-friendly
  • Safe to operate
  • Built to last